成人免费无码AV,97人妻成人,国产精品亚洲香蕉第五区,都市激情 校园春色

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        Yang Jiming 
        Mobile phone number: +8618063055566
        English Contact:
        Barret Ong
        Number/whatsapp: +8618063055566 

        Phone number: 0564-3355899 
        Fax number: 0564-3352221 
        E-mail: 772190797@qq.com 
        Company address: Shouchun Road East of Lu'an City Economic and Technological Development Zone 

        Company News
          The steel force company has completed the gate theme installation 
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          According to the plan, our company implemented the main door installation of the company in January 9, 2014. Our main door shape for "G force" of the variant, the main door modeling and processing are our staff to complete their own, fully reflects the creativity of our staff and the rigor of the work. The company will be moving steadily in Yang's leadership, and continue to promote the company's infrastructure, ensure a project in 2014 June the company successfully completed. 
        prev: Steel force company successfully developed fifth collection line machine     Next: Warmly celebrate the Anhui steel force Machinery Manufacturing Co., Ltd. websit
        Anhui gangli Machinery Manufacturing Co., Ltd. Service:0564-3355899 Fax:0564-3352221 技術支持:六安鵬程網絡 后臺管理
        About Us NEWS auxiliary equipment Products Testimonies CONTACT US


        Yang Jiming 

        Mobile phone number: +8618063055566


        English Contact:

        Barret Ong

        Number/whatsapp: +8618063055566 

        Phone number: 0564-3355899 
        Fax number: 0564-3352221 
        E-mail: 772190797@qq.com or anhuigangli@gmail.com

        Company address: Shouchun Road East of Lu'an City Economic and Technological Development Zone 

        Introduction Company News auxiliary equipment Hot rolled angle steel    
        MD speech Industry News Marketing Network Three ribbed steel bars    
        Business Culture Anouncement Info Download Straightener    
        Vancancy   Hot rolled bar    
        Certificated   Two ribbed steel bars    
            Hoop machine      
            Hot rolled flat equipment      

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